Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 31 – Weakness – Some More Self Forgiveness

Continuing from my previous blogs:

In this blog I will go into more specify in regards to how I created myself as the weakness character, through applying self-forgiveness and corrective statements on the points I opened up in my previous blogs

When I experience myself not wanting to do something, but do it anyway, I can become sluggish and drop my shoulders and express myself physically as weak...

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to do things within the self-belief as character of "I don't want to do this", whereas within this character I allow myself to go into self-victimization and as a victim see/perceive/express myself as weak, instead of realizing that the experience of being weak is created through the starting point of participating in the "I don't want to do this" character, within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to do things within participating within the idea/self-belief that "I do not want to do this", instead of realizing that the experience I have towards anything I do is representing who I am within the activity and not the activity itself, thus I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that when/as I am participating in activities as the directive principle of myself within realizing/understanding why I am doing what I am doing and thus deciding for myself to actually participate and do it, I will support myself in not participating in the "I don't want to do this" character and thus support myself to not go into the self-victimization, and thus the experience of weakness that is the direct outflow.

I commit myself to do things within a self-decision where I know why I am participating within/as the idea, and thus do not allow myself to go into the "I don't what to do this" character, within realizing that within self-direction I can stop doing any activity I am doing thus can never really do anything "I don't want to do" because anything I do is done by me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to manipulate myself into believing "I don't want to do this" as a character of the mind, to create energy within myself as inner conflict, while not realizing that anything I do is a doing of self, and thus I stand within self-directive principle and decide within/as myself what do and what not
I commit myself to stopping myself as the character "I don't want to do this" within realizing the deception of it, and the consequences of it as creating myself as the weak character

Also when I do something that I define as inferior, so I will do it, to avoid conflict, but I will experience myself as weaker than the situation, like I'm trapped in the situation/task and I have to do it quietly

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define specific activities as inferior and thus when I participate within/as them I experience myself as inferior and thus allow myself to go into the weak character, instead of realizing the self-deception within the initial starting point of defining a specific task/activity as inferior, not realizing that inferiority only exist as a construct of the mind and thus is a lie, within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe the lie of inferiority that I have been brained wash to believe through participation within/as society and I commit myself to investigate all ideas/beliefs I have been brainwashed to believe and to make sure that I am not walking within/as self-abuse through participating within/as judgments/ideas/beliefs that do not support all life within the principle of equality and oneness

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate in activities that I consider being inferior due to fear of conflict, thus placing myself in a position of inferiority within/as my own mind through my participation within the believe that "I don't deserve to do this, this I beneath me" and within the fear of conflict not standing up to change the position that I am about to step into, within this I commit myself to investigate judgments towards activities and to clear myself from any belief that some activities are more inferior than others within realizing that if a task is necessary to be done to support life how can it be inferior? It can only be inferior through the mind system placing things/activities/people on a made up scale so we believe it as such, when in fact it is a lie

I commit myself to direct myself and my actions within self-direction in self-awareness and thus not allow myself to fall in the trap of the mind as believing myself a character believing that I didn't not actually decide to do something but am doing it anyway, within this I commit myself to take responsibility for everything I participate within/as and within this commitment I realize that I am in fact responsible for everything I do, and the character of the mind even when believing "I didn't want to do this" is lying, thus I commit to be accountable for everything I do and to do it within self-awareness that I am directing myself to do it, thus not allow myself to go into the character of weakness

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define specific activities as inferior, not realizing that the idea of activities being inferior to others is an idea I got through social/cultural brain washed through my participation within/as society and thus I must investigate within self-honesty all points/activities I consider being inferior within realizing that a physical activity cannot be inferior in reality but only within/as the mind, and thus I commit myself to stopping myself as judgment of specific activities of being inferior and investigating the source of this opinion/idea to not trust the brain washing I have accepted as myself, I commit myself to stop all thoughts/ideas in regards to specific ideas being inferior and looking at the practicality of the task at hand, thus teaching myself to make decisions based on practicality within the principle of equality as what is best for all, and not on opinions derived from/as the mind, supporting inequality/abuse

When I believe I am incapable of completing the task, in other words, when I am experiencing myself as inferior to the task, then I go into the weak character, like giving up before even starting, like paving the path towards my failure due to believing I cannot make it...

I commit myself to stop myself as the mind when I see myself going into the incapable character within realizing that it leads to the weak character and is not practical in any way, I commit myself to stop myself as the incapable character and to see within practical physicality what can be done, instead of focusing on what I cannot do within self-belief/diminishment.

I will look down upon those that express themselves as weak within the assumption that they are in fact weak as the expression of who they are and I therefore perceive myself to be more powerful than them. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to look down upon people that I perceive as weak, instead of seeing that they are mirroring back to self how I see myself in fact, thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to look down upon myself within perceiving myself to be weak and to project this outwards into others instead of taking self-responsibility and sorting myself out

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to indulge in feelings of power when I am faced with a being that I perceive to be weaker than me, not realizing that I am defining myself and my ability/power in comparison to another and not in actuality, thus I commit myself to stop myself when I see myself indulging in a sense of power due to belittling another through a perception of them being weak, and instead to stand as supporting them as myself if/when I can.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate/exist within the polarity of weak/power and thus compare myself to others in order to define myself according to which side of the polarity am I on in comparison to them, and thus if I am on the "upper" side as I have define within/as my mind, I will feel good/powerful, and if I am on the "lower" side I will feel bad/weak and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to move back and forth from good to bad back to good experiences through the manipulation of the mind sucking up all the energy that I am creating through this emotional turmoil at the expense of myself as the physical body and the physical existence as a whole, only to satisfy my mind created characters that are designed to feed the mind and to maintain self as the mind, to never realize myself as life as that will destroy myself as the mind and thus the mind fight for its survival as I allow it to through my participation within as characters as polarities such as weak/power.

When I judge someone as weak I am rejected/repelled by it, I won't value the person, I will judge and blame them for not standing up, for whining, for complaining, for asking for mercy, I will not appreciate them, I will see myself as more than them...

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to experience myself repelled/rejected by people I perceive to be weak, not realizing that I am projecting onto them my own self rejection due to the self-judgment/belief of being weak, and thus I commit myself to when experiencing myself repelling another due to being weak or any other characteristic I judge them for, I stop and breathe, I realize that I am only seeing myself through the mirror presented before me as the other, and thus I commit myself to take responsibility as to what I am showing myself and to investigate the point and to stop myself within self-direction as I've committed myself and commit myself here again to walking a process of equality and oneness within realizing myself as one and equal as what is best for all, and thus I do not accept anything less than equality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to within judging another for being weak and repelling them within an experience of rejection towards them within myself, within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to project onto others my own self rejection and to manipulate myself through such projection as judgment to hide from myself the actual point of self-diminishment as the weak character I am participating with, within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hide from myself through projection the points I am experiencing myself as weak and within this I commit myself to investigate/forgive/change all points I am participating within as weak character because I have seen the abusive path of weakness and I will not walk there anymore.

I commit myself to stopping thoughts/back chat of weakness within/as breath, until it is done and I am standing within self-trust, stable, here.


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