Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 82 – Fear Dimension –Failure - self forgiveness - Part 3

This blog is continuing from the previous blog:

Day 79 - The lowest point
Day 80 - "I don't like being corrected / told what to do" character – Fear dimension  - Mistakes – Part 1
Day 81 - "I don't like being corrected / told what to do" character – Fear dimension - Failure – Part 2

This blog is a part of the "I don't like being corrected / told what to do" character dimension series. Opening up within self forgiveness fear of failure

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within/as fear of failure and to within this allow myself to be directed by this fear, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept and participate within the construct of failure, I forgive myself for accepting and allow define projects/activities as failure based on their outcome, within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to identify myself with the outcome of the project/activity where I define myself as a failure due to an outcome that I have defined as a failure, within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define failure as bad/negative and thus when I experience myself as failing I experience myself within a negative energy through/within defining myself as bad/wrong/stupid/a failure

I commit myself to let go the negative attachment I have towards failure, within that I commit myself to stop myself from creating a self definition of failure as self diminishment based on the outcome of a project/activity, I commit myself to apply common sense through investigating the situation in it's entirety, to come to a self directive decision, and thus through living as the directive principle to stop myself from the self diminishment/giving up within defining myself as a failure, but rather to allow myself to learn/expand from the situation/mistake and apply myself within the principle of what is best for all within equality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define failure as the 'end' as an irreversible verdict, within this, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use the construct of failure as a self manipulation tactic to give up on what I am doing and within that give up on myself, I forgive myself for not realizing that the experience of failure is created by myself as a justification to give up, instead of seeing that it is the giving up within self diminishment that has created/manifested the construct of failure that in turn supports/excuses/justifies the construct of giving up, within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that a failure is an end point and thus within that I believe that it's lost, it has failed, I have failed and it's the end, thus cannot be changed, and within this I haven't allowed myself to see/realize that it is in fact up to me, up to me from perspective of taking/being the directive principle and within common sense as a self directive decision I can decide if to pursue the project/activity further or not, through looking at the practicality of the situation, thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be consumed as the character of giving up within self diminishment as not believing that I am able, and thus do not have a choice to pursue/continue a project, and thus allowing myself to fail due to my own self belief of incompetency.

I commit myself to write myself to freedom, one point at a time, and forgive myself as I have allowed myself to exist as self diminishment as believing in the limitations I've created myself as within my mind, thus I commit myself to stop myself within/as breath as I see myself participating in thoughts of self diminishment as believing I am unable/not good enough, and instead to take/do the physical actions necessary to make myself able, as learning/studying/practicing the practical application in time/space in order to get me to a point of ability, thus not allowing myself to be directed by self diminishment, but to push myself through the limitations I have allowed myself to exist as, and allow myself to expand/grow/learn/apply/change myself as what is best for all, within this I realize that self diminishment is a mind created construct to keep me enslaved/trapped within the boundaries of my comfort zone, thus not allowing myself to change, thus I commit myself to push through my limitations and support myself with writing/self forgiveness as I see all the specific points I have defined myself as "I can't do it" and within breath, and through looking at the practical physical evidence support myself as life, to bring myself to a point that I am standing stable and able

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define failure as bad, as what I was taught through the schooling system, and instead to realize "failure" as a stepping stone for expansion, as through learning from mistakes I can perfect myself and my application and find more effective solutions/ways to correct/apply myself within the situation/event/project, thus I realize that the only thing in my way is me, through believing/thinking/feeling that I can't push through, through defining myself as not able, and thus accepting failure as an option, as a possibility, where as if I stop myself as the mind, as thoughts/feelings/beliefs that I am unable, there will nothing to stop me, as only I as the limitation of the mind am stopping myself and thus believing myself as a failure, thus I commit myself to write down all the points of self belief/definition of limitation, and walk them through self forgiveness, and as a practical living application, I commit myself to stop myself within breath as these thoughts/feelings/beliefs of self diminishment come up, and not allow myself to participate with them, until I am standing stable and am not directed by the mind as self limitation/diminishment

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define something as a failure based on the outcome instead of investigating the starting point and within this I commit myself to aligning myself as my starting point to that which is best for all within any project/activity to then not judge the outcome but allow myself to see the "bigger picture" and thus as I include this part of evaluating/investigating the situation as an integral part of the situation I cannot define it as a failure because it is still ongoing as a learning process, within this I realize that through looking at the starting point of any activity/project I can get much more insight as to what went wrong rather then looking through a tunnel vision at the outcome alone, within this, I commit myself to allow myself to correct my starting point to be aligned with what is best for all within the understanding that only that which is best for all can actually bring a result that is not considered a failure by anyone, because it is best for all and not based on self interest to create bias of the understanding of a situation, within this I realize that failure is simply an opinion, and is not based on reality as the physical, thus

I commit myself to look at everything through the principle of equality as what is best for all, and from this lens to evaluate situations/events/projects and to conclude the most effective way to approach/continue it, not based on self interest feelings/beliefs but based on real physical reality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to justify my self diminishment through defining a project/activity as a failure and within that to define myself as a failure due to the evidence of the project failing, within this I commit myself to let go through writing, self forgiveness and corrective statement, of all the self definition I have allowed myself to exist as because I see/realize that these self definitions are limiting me, through allowing myself to justify them by altering my perception of reality to suit my definition of self, even if is self abusive by nature, as self diminishment

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within the polarity of failure/success and within allowing myself to accept and participate within the failure/success polarity I have allowed myself to assess the situation and evaluate if I am to be a failure or success and within that I have allowed myself to attempt to win at any cost while disregarding those around me because I fear failing and would do anything to succeed or in other situations would simply give up due to self diminishment, thus allowing myself to bounce from one end of the polarity to the other, within this I commit myself to let go the energetic charge I hold towards failure/success and to allow myself to see the situation within the simplistically of the actual physical evidence within common sense and the principle of what is best for all

I commit myself to when I see myself turning to the experience of failure, stop and breathe, and to make a directive decision in that moment through evaluating the situation within it's physical context, and within the principle of equality as what is best for all, thus to stop any energetic reaction that may direct me and be the directive principle as creating myself as who I want to be and not how I have designed myself to be through the mind as feeding off the energy of failure/success, but to simply look at what needs to be done and walk it in breath

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Unknown said...

First of all I would like to thank you for the great and informative entry. FEAR OF FAILURE

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